Minor in French Language

This Minor is designed for students with limited or no background in French who are interested in developing a high level of communicative ability in French language for use in professional and academic contexts.

Admission Requirements

All students with limited or no background in French are welcome to pursue the Minor in French Language.

This Minor is not available to native speakers of French or those whose entry point is FREN 401 (CEFR B2) or higher. These students are instead encouraged to consider our other Minor in French Language, Literatures and Cultures.

Degree Requirements

6 credits1, 2:

  • FREN 201 (3) Elementary French I
  • FREN 202 (3) Elementary French II


1Students starting at an introductory level must complete the requirements leading to FREN 201 (6 credits of 100-level French) before taking the courses required for the Minor.

2Students with credit for secondary-school French 12 may not be required to complete FREN 201 and FREN 202, but may instead be permitted to begin at FREN 301. Please contact FHIS Student Programs Coordinator using this online form.

18 credits of required courses:

  • FREN 301 (3) Intermediate French I
  • FREN 302 (3) Intermediate French II
  • FREN 311 (3) Introduction to Literature in French
  • FREN 352 (3) French Grammar
  • FREN 401 (3) Upper Intermediate French I
  • FREN 402 (3) Upper Intermediate French II

6 credits of selected courses from the following:

  • FREN 321 (3) Critical Writing
  • FREN 330 (3) Introduction to Quebec Literature
  • FREN 331 (3) Arts, Cultures and Society from the Middle Ages to the Revolution
  • FREN 341 (3) Arts, Cultures and Society from Romanticism to the Present Day
  • FREN 346 (3) French at Work
  • FREN 353 (3) Advanced French Grammar
  • FREN 357 (3) Translation
  • FREN 370 (3) Introduction to French Linguistics
  • FREN 395 (3-6) Special Topics Abroad

Program Diagram

Click on the diagram below to download the PDF.

FREN program diagram - minor language

Declaring a Minor

Science students wishing to add a French Minor to a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree will choose their starting point according to their background, just as BA candidates do, but they will also have to present the Science Faculty’s Minor in an Arts Discipline Approval Form to the Student Programs Coordinator (fhis.undergrad@ubc.ca) to have it filled out and signed before returning it to the Science Advising Office.

BCom candidates will choose their starting point according to their background, just as BA candidates do, but they will also have to present the Sauder School of Business’s Arts Minor Study Plan to the Student Programs Coordinator (fhis.undergrad@ubc.ca) to have it filled out and signed before returning it to the Commerce Undergraduate Program Office.

Course Planning

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