Course Description


Beginners’ Italian II Building on Italian 101, the Italian 102 course helps students develop in listening, reading, writing and speaking, and gain a beginner level of proficiency in communicating in situations, such as discuss people and events in their life, in the present and from the past, make plans for their immediate future, and interact […]


[Cross-listed with SPAN 530B-921] Novelas de la guerra civil española Este curso ofrece un recorrido de la narrativa inspirada por la guerra civil española, dentro y también fuera de España. Investigaremos el impacto cultural de la guerra, y las distintas estrategias escogidas para representar la violencia y el disenso. Analizaremos las perspectivas de españoles dentro […]


France in Ruins: Wounded Spaces From 1945 to the Present Ruins have been at the center of the French imaginary since the sixteenth century. They represented in turn the decay of the pagan world, its architectural genius, the height of the sublime, and a refuge for earthly pleasures or the inquisitive mind. The twentieth century, […]


[Cross-listed with SPAN 501] Cultural Mobilities in Theory and Practice Cultural mobility can be defined as mobilities relayed in and of cultural products, events, and phenomena. The concept can be viewed as part of a recent, influential critical movement to foreground mobility in social sciences and in the humanities and arts. According to Tim Cresswell […]


Le récit de voyage (19e-20e siècle) (Cross-listed with FREN 329-930) Ce cours est offert à Lyon, France (May 16 – June 25, 2016) Le récit de voyage, par son double statut à la fois littéraire et documentaire, est on objet propice à des usages et à des lectures multiples. Son étude exige la prise en […]


[A Student Directed Seminar] Questions contemporaines sur l’identité / Current Issues on Identity Enseigné en français et en anglais, ce cours se penchera sur l’influence des problèmes d’identité dans notre monde contemporain dans un séminaire étudiant coordonné par Maximilien Azorin et sponsorisé par le professeur Ralph Sarkonak. In an increasingly globalized world, our shared identities […]


Course type: Hybrid A hybrid course may involve a combination of synchronous activities (done in “real time”) and asynchronous activities (done in one’s own time). The course will be delivered online. L’individu face aux normes sociales This year’s FREN 220 focuses on pariahs and outcasts, loners and wanderers, individuals who pit themselves against social norms […]


Oral French Practice NOTICE: FREN 224 is replacing FREN 215 – register in FREN 224 instead! Course Registration    



FREN 370


Introduction à la linguistique française Ce cours familiarise l’étudiant avec les concepts de base en linguistique et à leur application à l’étude de la langue française. Il vise à décrire la langue française en tant que système, mais aussi à apprécier la variation linguistique dans le monde francophone. Les principaux domaines de la linguistique seront […]