Gaoheng Zhang
Subject Area
Ph.D., M.A., New York University
B.A., Beijing Foreign Studies University
章杲恆 Gaoheng Zhang I am an Associate Professor of Italian Studies at the University of British Columbia. My scholarship analzyes cultural mobilities from within contemporary Italy’s and Western Europe’s global networks with Asia, America, and Africa. I apply multi-lingual, multi-perspectival, and multi-sited methods to my case studies. My intellectual project is focused on transculturality and dialogism.
I have published the first detailed media and cultural study of contemporary Chinese migration to Italy from both Italian and Chinese migrant perspectives: Migration and the Media: Debating Chinese Migration to Italy, 1992-2012 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2019). I am also the co-editor with Valentina Pedone of the first scholarly volume that foregrounds mobilities in analyzing China-Italy cultural exchanges: Cultural Mobilities Between China and Italy (Cham: Springer; Palgrave Macmillan, 2024). Expanding this subject, Valentina and I are under contract to co-edit The Handbook on China-Italy Relations (Leiden: Brill, projected publication date in 2026-2027). I have also co-authored articles and co-organized conferences on Italy’s relationships with other Asian countries.
My forthcoming monograph, titled Italian Dumplings and Chinese Pizzas: Transcultural Food Mobilities (New York: Fordham University Press, 2025), examines Chinese and Italian socio-cultural identity-making through food-related representations of labor migrants and culinary tourists from the 1980s through the 2010s. Another forthcoming monograph, Fashion Communications Between Italy and China: Unfolding a Sartorial Relationship (London: Bloomsbury, 2025), addresses the cultural dynamics of ready-to-wear and fast fashion in the Italy-China context.
The two recent monographs articulate my use of the Chinese concept of 衣食住行 (clothing, food, residence, mobility) to structure analyses of transnational Italian and Chinese material cultures. A co-created website provides further explanations in layman’s terms. The website also features my analyses concerning “residence”—a series of posts on American Chinese Venices.
My current work in progress is titled “Scrambles for East Africa: Media and Cultural Debates between China, Western Europe, and East Africa.” The monograph will highlight the economic, military, and cultural ties that China, as well as former East African colonizers Britain, Italy, and France, have created with Kenya, Ethiopia, and Djibouti. In specific, the project analyzes the tension between economic development and the environment in relevant media and cultural debates about migration, tourism, food (agriculture), and the clothing sector in the African region.
I am the recipient of highly coveted fellowships and grants from Canada, the United States, and the European Union: the UBC Killam Faculty Research Fellowship; a SSHRC Insight Development Grant; a Provost’s Postdoctoral Scholarship in the Humanities at the University of Southern California (now the USC Society of Fellows in the Humanities); and a Jean Monnet Fellowship from the European University Institute.
At UBC, I serve on the executive committee of the Centre for Migration Studies and on the advisory board of Green College. I am affiliated with the Centre for European Studies and with the Asian Canadian and Asian Migration Studies program.
I regularly teach and lecture on Italian food cultures, fashion cultures, mafia movies, gender and sexuality, pandemic literature, and (post-)colonial cultures.
- Italian Studies
- Cultural Studies
- Migration and Mobility Studies
- Food Studies
- Fashion Studies
- Gender Studies
Invited Stand-Alone Talks and Lectures
“Italy’s Chinese Migrant Fast Fashion in Contemporary Artworks,” keynote address, The Calandra Italian American Institute, City University of New York, 2023.
“Dogmeat, Chop Suey, and “Mozzarella Gialla”: Communicating Chinese Migrant Alimentary Stereotypes in Italian Popular Culture,” Asian American Studies Program, Purdue University (remote), 2023.
“Italy’s Chinese Migrant Fast Fashion in the Arts,” Monash Prato – Monash University, 2022.
“Dogmeat, Chop Suey, and “Mozzarella Gialla”: Communicating Chinese Migrant Alimentary Stereotypes in Italian Popular Culture,” Yale University, 2022.
“Chinese Migrant Culinary Culture in Italy,” Pennsylvania State University, 2022.
“What ‘Italian Cuisine’ Means in China: A Media and Cultural Perspective,” Centre for European Studies, UBC, 2022.
“Issues of Orientalism and Fashion in the 21st Century: Fascination, Approximation or Appropriation?,” New York University Florence, 2022.
“Italy’s Chinese Migrant Fast Fashion in the Arts,” Wellesley College, 2021 and Georgetown University, 2022.
“Covid-19 and Anti-Chinese Racism in Italy,” Italian Canadians for Black Lives, 2021.
“Migration and the Media: Debating Chinese Migration to Italy, 1992-2012,” Johns Hopkins University, 2020.
“Made in Italy by Chinese Migrants,” ElderCollege Delta, British Columbia, 2019.
“Chinese Food Cultures in Italy,” University of California, Irvine, 2019.
“Media Framings of Made in Italy Fast Fashion by Prato’s Chinese Migrants,” University of California, Irvine, 2019
“The Chinaman and the cinesina: Gendering Chinese Migrants in Italian Culture,” University of Florence, 2018.
“Made in Italy or Made in China? Chinese-Italian Cultural Identities in the Age of Migration and Globalization,” Villa La Pietra, New York University in Florence, 2018.
“Made in Italy or Made in China?” University College Cork, 2017 and The Dante Alighieri Society of British Columbia, 2017.
“I cinesi che non muoiono mai. Viaggio tra film, libri e mass media, tra luoghi comuni e (s)commode verità a proposito dell’immigrazione cinese in Italia,” Biblioteca Dergano-Bovisa, Milan, Italy, 2017.
“Recent Italian-Chinese Cultural Relations,” The Center for Italian Studies, Stony Brook University, 2016.
“Italian Cinema Looks East,” Department of Italian Language and Literature, Smith College, 2016.
“Contemporary Chinese Immigration to Italy: Encounters and Representations,” University Seminar, Studies in Modern Italy, Columbia University, 2013.
Italian Dumplings and Chinese Pizzas: Transcultural Food Mobilities (New York: Fordham University Press, 2025)
Fashion Communications Between Italy and China: Unfolding a Sartorial Relationship (London: Bloomsbury, 2025)
Cultural Mobilities Between China and Italy (Palgrave Macmillan 2024), co-edited with Valentina Pedone.
Migration and the Media: Debating Chinese Migration to Italy, 1992-2012 (University of Toronto Press, 2019).
Reviewed by Journal of Asian Studies, The China Quarterly, Journal of Modern Italian Studies, Modern Italy, Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies, Forum Italicum, LEA: Lingue e Letterature d’Oriente e d’Occidente.
Refereed Journal Articles
Refereed Book Chapters
“Teaching Migration through Mobilities.” Forthcoming in Teaching Migration in Literature, Film, and Media, edited by Masha Salazkina and Yumna Siddiqi, New York: The Modern Language Association of America, 2025.
“Contemporary Popular Media and Cultural Studies of Chinese Migrations to Italy.” In Handbook of Chinese Migration to Europe, edited by Mette Thunø and Wang Simeng, pp. 669-695. Leiden: Brill, 2025.
“‘Women with Big Breasts and Wide Hips’: Federico Fellini’s Cinema in Chinese Media Essays.” Forthcoming in Federico Fellini: Centenary Essays, edited by Marco Malvestio, Jessica Whitehead, and Alberto Zambenedetti, pp. 358-370. Toronto; Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, 2025.
Non-refereed Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Edited Journal Issue
“Documentary Films on Migrations in Italy”. Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies, 6/1 (2018), pp. 3-122.
Cultural Mobilities Between Italy and China (co-created with Jennifer Lau, Alexandra Chipperfield, and Fei Han), 2021 and 2024.
“American Chinese Venices” available online in 2024.
“Global Routes: China, Italy, Toronto” (co-curated with Paolo Frascà and Jennifer Lau), an exhibition at the John M. Kelly Library at the University of Toronto (May-June, 2016), at the Carrier Gallery at Columbus Centre in Toronto (July, 2016), and at UBC Robson Square. (Funded by the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation, 2016.)
Invited Media Essays
“Made in Italy by Chinese in Prato: The ‘Carrot and Stick’ Policy and Chinese Migrants in Italy,” China Policy Institute Blog, University of Nottingham, UK, October 22, 2015.
“Italy and China, Europe and East Asia: Centuries of Dialogue,” Corriere Canadese, April 5, 2016, p. 16.
Film Reviews
“Puoi baciare lo sposo by Alessandro Genovesi (2018),” gender/sexuality/italy, 7 (2020): 258-259.
“Caffè, by Cristian Bortone (2016),” Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies, 6/2 (2018), pp. 252-254.
“My Reincarnation, by Jennifer Fox (2011),” Italian American Review, 3/2 (2013), pp. 151-153.
“La Fuga/Escape” by Francesca Bellino, Journal of Italian Translation, VI:1&2 (2011), pp. 100-115.
Co-Edited Conference Proceedings
Main awards and fellowships:
Jean Monnet Fellowship, European University Institute, 2022-2023.
UBC Killam Faculty Research Fellowship/Killam Laureate, The Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Fund for Advanced Studies, 2022-2023.
SSHRC Insight Development Grant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Government of Canada, 2018-2020.
The Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation Grant, 2016 (on behalf of the Department of Italian Studies at the University of Toronto)
Provost’s Postdoctoral Scholarship in the Humanities (now The USC Society of Fellows), University of Southern California, 2012-2014.
Full scholarship from the Refresher Program for Teachers of Italian Abroad, University for Foreigners in Perugia, 2008.