Our online and in-person courses are perfect for anyone who still needs to fulfill the Language Requirement for the Bachelor of Arts, or who simply want to learn a new language and culture!
PORT 101: First-Year Portuguese I
Offered online and in-person in Term 1.
PORT 101 is an interactive introduction to Portuguese language, the 6th most spoken language in the world! The rich cultures of Brazil and Portugal are incorporated in all the materials used in class, providing students with an opportunity to immerse in authentic sociocultural situations. Students participate in communicative activities that will help them develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. These activities include role-play, group tasks; writing texts of practical nature, such as e-mails, tweets and short compositions; reading and talking about simple articles on topics of interest; playing games; watching and talking about movies, short clips and music videos. Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to sustain basic communication about everyday life situations, such as introductions, campus life, expressing personal interests and hobbies, asking for information, ordering food, etc.
PORT 102: First-Year Portuguese II
Offered online and in-person in Term 2.
PORT 102 further develops the fundamentals learned in PORT 101. At this learning stage, students are able to apply new communicative skills, such as talking about future plans and narrating events in the past. PORT 102 follows an interactive, culture-oriented approach to learning a foreign language. The materials used in class incorporate cultural aspects of Brazil and Portugal, designed for the second level of linguistic comprehension. Students participate in communicative activities that will help them develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
Still need convincing?
Read 5 Reasons to Fall in Love with Portuguese Studies.
Contact our Student Programs Coordinator.