David Chen, UBC student of Italian, won first place in the Free Theme Poetry category of Premio Bolletino Itals, a literature competition held by l’Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia. The competition received over 200 submissions by students learning Italian from 34 countries. David’s original poem was initially composed as part of the coursework for “Elementary Italian I & II (ITAL 201 & 202)” taught by Dr. Elena Zampieri—who encouraged students to submit their work to Premio Bolletino Itals—and was performed at UBC’s Multilingual Poetry Slam in 2022.
Below is the winning poem in Italian and translated in English.
Il Pesce, il Pescatore e il Mare
Arrendendoti al mare Ma mi hai trovato Infuria all’imbrunire la tempesta Tuono dopo tuono Quel dolce odore di terra Accecato, rilasciato Sei distratto Abbandoni la barca Sono implacabile Boccheggiando per la vita Ti ho dato la caccia Ti sei perso |
The Fish, The Fisherman and The Sea
Surrendering to the sea But you found me The storm rages at nightfall Thunder after thunder That sweet earthy smell Blinded, released You’re distracted Surrendering the boat I’m relentless Gasping for life I hunted you You became lost |