We are accepting poster proposals that schematize how to design, carry out, and evaluate the effectiveness of assessment in varied language contexts.
The poster session will take place on June 5, 2019, as part of an interactive workshop on Assessment in Language Contexts organized by FHIS, CENES, and Asian Studies. This workshop is part of the Pedgagogy Hub for Congress 2019, Canada’s largest interdisciplinary conference.
Applicants may consider any of the following themes and/or other related ones for their posters:
- Big Picture Assessment Decisions (Curriculum Level)
- Innovative Assessments
- Technologies of Assessment
- Experiential Learning (i.e. Community Service Learning, Study Abroad, Community Field Experience)
- Skill-based Assessment (reading, writing, speaking, listening)
- Assessment of Complex Assignments (ePortfolio, Oral Proficiency, Translation)
- How to adapt effective assessments to different teaching and learning contexts (native or non-native speakers and heritage speakers, for instance)
- Assessing Group Work
- Formative and/or Summative Assessment
To apply, please fill out this application form by no later than April 15, 2019, which requires applicants to submit the following:
- Poster mock-up (accepted formats: PPT, JPEG, or PDF)
- Outline (100-120 words of key points that the poster seeks to address)
Applicants will be notified of the status of their proposal by Friday, April 26th. For questions regarding this session and/or the application process, please email the planning committee at assessmentcongress2019@gmail.com.