Graduate Proseminar I: Research Skills and Scholarly Practices
Cross-listed with FREN591

The first part of the Graduate Proseminar will give you a global perspective on the academic and professional worlds relevant to your future in the discipline. Its focus will be three-fold, covering research methodology, research dissemination, and professional development. The seminar will include short lectures, which will be complemented by guided activities. You will also be required to complete a variety of concrete assignments outside of class, which will serve to prepare you for multiple aspects of a successful graduate curriculum: some will be punctual and other ongoing, but all should be understood as elements of a single project. Your main goal will be to gain a clearer vision of your professional trajectory; one that you will be able to adapt to further discoveries and opportunities.
This course course is mandatory for all PhD students and for students considering a MA with Thesis. It must be complemented by Proseminar II.
Language of instruction: English
Instructor: Vincent Gélinas-Lemaire
Regular Participation (15%)
Learning Beyond Class (20%)
Academic Calendar (10%)
Mapping the Field (25%)
Weekly Assignments (30%)
Coming soon!