French Grammar

Les sept arts libéraux dans l'Hortus deliciarum d'Herrade de Landsberg (1180)
This hands-on class provides students with a complete overview of the fundamentals of French Grammar. They will acquire the basics of analyse logique (parsing), a tool aimed at increasing students’ comprehension and production of complex sentences, and gain confidence in their reading of challenging French authors as well as in their own written production.
Language of instruction: French
Prerequisite: One of FREN 123, FREN 302.
Recommended prerequisite: FREN 401, FREN 402.
This information is subject to change.
3 End-of module quizzes (open book tests, 2-stage tests) = 10+15+15=40%
At-home assignment = 15%
Workshops = 15%
Classroom community = 15%
Final project - Portfolio = 15%
- Required handbook (in addition to the course-pack): Le Grevisse de l’étudiant, Cécile Narjoux, De Boeck Supérieur, Paris, 2021
- Custom course-pack available on Canvas