Course Description

ITAL 232


Nation, Empire, Democracy in the Age of Modern Capitalism: Italy as a Model Case The two recurring, competing (but, also, interwoven) issues of national identity vs. global empire (lat. Imperium) are explored in this course by studying historical, political, literary, cinematographic and cultural evidence from Italy: a country which, despite its miniature size by world […]


Early Encounters: Travel Literature and Colonial Writing in French This course explores narratives of travel and exploration in French from 1500 to 1800 and their relationship to colonization, gender, unfamiliar culture and nature, knowledge production and representations of the self and others. We will study “early encounters” across the globe positioning France within a planetary […]

RMST 341


Shifting Identities and Perceptions in Medieval and Early Modern Italy Cross-listed with ITAL 303 This is a course that aims at blending the visual and the literary arts that flourished in the Italian peninsula from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. We will follow a chronological order, moving from Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio to Pico, […]

RMST 454


Cross-listed with ITAL 404 Eros Unbound: The Ecology of Love at the Edge of Modernity Is there such a thing as an “ecology of love”? The short answer is: “yes”; the long answer is: “we may have forgotten almost all about it.” Can we retrieve the memory of that ecology, and thus free love from […]

RMST 324


Indigenous Literature of Quebec In a province where debates on the status of the French language and Quebec sovereignty take center stage, where do Indigenous people’s rights, languages and voices stand? How do Indigenous writers and filmmakers of Quebec challenge and contend with the lines drawn around language, territory and race in “La Belle Province”? […]

SPAN 405


From Text to Palate: Literature, Food, and Society in Spain and Latin America The ancient link between food and books is particularly significant in the Hispanic World where eating has always been essential in defining individuals, groups, cultures, societies, and nations. Through an interdisciplinary approach to Hispanic short texts from a wide range of authors […]


Introduction to the Analysis of Portuguese and Brazilian Cultures Cross-listed with PORT222 Welcome to the study of Lusophone Cultures! Lusophone cultures are the cultures of places where Portuguese is spoken. In this course, we will focus on the cultures of Portugal, the cradle of Lusophone Culture, and Brazil, the country with the largest Lusophone population. […]

CTLN 101


Beginners’ Catalan This course introduces students to Catalan language and culture. It seeks to foster students’ linguistic, communicative and cultural competence in Catalan while exposing them to the main sociocultural aspects of the Catalan-speaking regions of Spain. Aligned with CEFR level A1 objectives. Prerequisites: No prerequisites Note: Credit will be granted for only one of […]


Conversational Spanish for Advanced Speakers Expands the comprehension and communicative skills of upper-level students and heritage speakers through topics drawn from Hispanic culture and current events. Aligned with CEFR level B1 objectives. Prerequisite: One of SPAN 207, SPAN 302. Or placement test for heritage speakers. Language of Instruction: Spanish


Intensive Elementary Spanish SPAN 203 is a 3-credit Intensive Elementary Course that combines learning objectives of two existing courses, SPAN 201 and 202. This course is designed for highly motivated learners with previous experience in Spanish or other Romance languages, and offers the opportunity to review the linguistic, cultural and communicative topics at the elementary […]