Research Forum

Student giving a presentation at a podium

How it works

By presenting your coursework, you get to engage in stimulating conversations with fellow students and faculty members, and have a relaxed platform to receive constructive feedback on your work.

  1. Give a 7-minute oral presentation on your project.
  2. Engage in a 5-minute discussion with audience members through a Q&A session hosted by a moderator.


You may present about any topic related to your coursework in a French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, or Romance Studies course, which you have taken/are taking during Term 1 or Term 2 of the 2024-2025 Winter Session. This can be related to language, linguistics, literature, culture, history, etc.

You can present coursework that has already been completed or is still a work in progress. For example: a final paper that was already submitted in Term 1, and a final paper that has yet to be submitted in Term 2, are both acceptable.

Final papers are the most common forms of coursework that are presented at Research Forums, but you may present other types of projects as well, as long as you can turn it into an oral presentation (e.g., graphic novel, short video essay, podcast, narrative film, etc.). Alternatively, you may find the Poster Presentation to be a more suitable format if you prefer to present your work is more visually-oriented way (rather than oral).

We highly encourage you to supplement your oral presentation with simple visuals to make it more engaging (e.g. slides with photos or bullet-point notes of your core message). Videos/audio may also be played, as the room is equipped with speakers.

With that said, some presenters prefer to read their final papers or script aloud without any visual accompaniment, which is also acceptable.

You can present in English or your target language (French, Spanish, Italian, or Portuguese). The choice is yours!


By February 14, 2025: Submit a 150-word abstract that summarizes the project or coursework you will be presenting, by completing the online form.

By February 21, 2025: The organizing team will inform you if your presentation has been accepted into the Research Forum.

By March 10, 2025: Submit a final copy of your presentation to the Communications Coordinator, Celine, at This will give the moderator a chance to review your presentation ahead of time to prepare discussion prompts for the Q&A portion.

Present at the FHIS Research Forum!

Date: March 14, 2025 (Friday)
Time: 1:00-3:00 PM
Location: Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, Peña Room (301)

Next steps

Additional opportunities

Volunteer to be a moderator

Moderators facilitate the Q&A portion of each presentation.

Moderators will review all presentation materials several days before the event in order to come up with questions in advance to stimulate discussion. These questions can be directed to the presenter or to the audience members. More instructions will be provided closer to the date.

If you are interested, complete the online form by February 14, 2025.


If you have any questions, contact our Student Programs Coordinator, Shay, at

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