Undergraduate student Maia Goldman shares why she chose to major in Romance Studies in addition to minoring in Spanish.

A photo of Parc Güell that Maia took during her study abroad trip to Barcelona, Spain (May 2023).
“One of my ongoing interests is in how different verbs and terms are used to express love or affection in various Romance languages and literatures, and how these words might allow for a more nuanced understanding of what love can be.”
Why did you major in Romance Studies?
I pursued Romance Studies because I wanted to be able to study the Romance World more broadly. I knew that I was interested in Spanish language and cultures, but I had also studied French, and I wanted to learn more about Italian, Portuguese, and other cultures, too.
I find the development of the different Romance languages, themselves, quite interesting. When I read literature in or translated from these languages, I like to think about how similar stories and ideas can be expressed in unique ways that have the potential to provide something powerful or relevant. For example, one of my ongoing interests is in how different verbs and terms are used to express love or affection in various Romance languages and literatures, and how these words might allow for a more nuanced understanding of what love can be.
“I love being able to make comparisons and connections between different languages and literatures.”
Furthermore, I love the idea of being able to engage with the unique combination of language, literature and cultural studies that the Romance Studies program offered. The mix of reading, watching, listening and speaking has helped me identify my strengths and interests, and I have gained a deeper appreciation for the various forms that literature can take and what it can inspire. I love being able to make comparisons and connections between languages and literature.
Through this program, I am hoping to strengthen my language skills, interpersonal skills, and analytical skills. I am also hoping to come away from my studies having formed meaningful connections and having developed an even greater appreciation for my areas of focus. I believe that all of these things will contribute to my ability to find rewarding work, as well as my drive to continue learning.
Why did you minor in Spanish Studies?

A photo of Sitges that Maia took during her study abroad trip to Barcelona, Spain (May 2023).
I thought that adding a minor in Spanish would be a good way to both continue improving my language skills and bring a different kind of focus to my learning. Spanish language and literature are fascinating to me because of their vast history, because of what and how they communicate, and because I have been taught by people who know and appreciate them so well.
I’ve fallen in love with Spanish language and literature more than once, but the times that stand out most involve two books: Eva Luna by Isabel Allende, and El beso de la mujer araña by Manuel Puig. These beautifully-written stories captivated me and left me without a doubt that I needed to keep reading and learning in Spanish.
What are your career aspirations?
I would love to work in translation one day—I think literary translation would be amazing.
What advice would you give to anyone embarking on learning a new language or culture?
Try to be patient with yourself. And try not to see the learning as something with an end point, because the beautiful and exciting thing about language and cultural studies is that there will always be more to discover.