SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship awarded to Dr. Arianna Dagnino

Dr. Arianna Dagnino has been awarded a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship for the years 2017-2019 at the University of Ottawa’s School of Translation under the supervision of Professor Rainier Grutman. Her research project is entitled: “Self-translating (romance) languages in a transcultural mode: a global perspective”.

Arianna Dagnino holds an M.A. in Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures  from l’Università degli Studi di Genova and a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature and Sociology from the University of South Australia. She is a creative writer and the author of several books on the socio-cultural impact of globalization, increased mobility, and digital technologies. Among them, I nuovi nomadi (New Nomads; Castelvecchi, 1996), Uoma (Mursia 2000) and Transcultural Writers and Novels in the Age of Global Mobility (Purdue University Press, 2015). She is also the author of the transcultural novel Fossili (Fazi Editore, 2010) – set in the Southern African region – and of the  creative nonfiction Jesus Christ Cyberstar (IPOC, 2009), freely inspired by the 1970 Broadway’s first rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar.
Her scholarly articles have appeared in journals such as Transcultural Studies (Heidelberg University), Transnational Literature, Humanities, Rhizomes, Transcultural Studies: A Journal in Interdisciplinary Research, and CLCWEB: Comparative Literature and Culture.
Before re-entering academia, Dagnino was a professional journalist and an acting foreign correspondent for the Italian press across five continents. She published more than 500 articles in major Italian national daily newspapers, weekly magazines, and monthly magazines on issues ranging from culture, innovation, and new technologies to lifestyle, architecture, design, travel, fiction, and creative nonfiction.
