Oral Defence: Margherita Romengo

Monday, October 24, 9:00am

Room: 203 of the Graduate Student Centre (6371 Crescent Road).
Latecomers will not be admitted

“L’image éditoriale de Marguerite de Navarre au XVIe siècle ou la construction d’une figure d’auteure : conditions, modalités, enjeux”

Abstract: This dissertation examines the portrayal of Marguerite de Navarre by book producers, such as printers, publishers, and editors, in the paratexts to sixteenth-century editions of her works. The term ‘image éditoriale’ is used in this thesis to refer to the manner in which the authorial image is constructed in the editorial or front matter of these early print editions, including dedicatory epistles, prologues, and poems, as well as various strategies and interests that book producers brought to the material imprint of the text, such as title pages, typeface, layout, and engravings. The principal objective of this study is thus to present a methodical analysis of these kinds of editorial discourses, bringing to light not only the material and historical conditions of their publication, but also the literary and extraliterary stakes involved in early editions of three of Marguerite de Navarre’s major works: le Miroir de l’âme pécheresse (1531), les Marguerites de la Marguerite des princesses (1547) and the Heptaméron (1558, 1559).

Dr. William Bruneau (Educational Studies, UBC)

Supervisory Committee:
Dr. Nancy Frelick, Research Supervisor (French, UBC)
Dr. Tania Van Hemelryck, Research Supervisor (French, UCL)
Dr. Joël Castonguay-Bélanger (French, UBC)

University Examiners:
Dr. Silvia Mostaccio (History, UCL)
Dr. Richard Hodgson (French, UBC)

External Examiner:
Dr. Gary Ferguson, Department of French, University of Virginia