UBC student of Spanish, Laurie Serafin, shares about her experiences studying abroad in Quito, Ecuador through a Global Seminar. The Spanish language and culture course was taught by Dr. Stephanie Spacciante during Summer 2023, where students completed six credits of SPAN 201 (or SPAN 206) and SPAN 202 abroad, while living with Ecuadorian host families. 12 cultural excursions were included to provide a totally immersive experience, such as: tours of various cities, political sites, museums, and markets; chocolate-making classes and art classes; film screenings; and overnight trips to neighbouring provinces.
Cultural Immersion

“By living with a host family that spoke no English, I was able to practice what I learned, with the opportunity to be a part of day-to-day living in Quito.”
As an older, retired adult, my study abroad experiences in Quito, Ecuador were unique. I had been studying Spanish at UBC to improve my Spanish-speaking abilities and understanding, simply for the love of the language. When I was given the opportunity to expand my studies into a cultural experience in Quito, I seized it. My expectations were to immerse myself in a different culture while learning the language. My trip did this—and more!
By living with a host family that spoke no English, I was able to practice what I learned, with the opportunity to be a part of day-to-day living in Quito. I stayed in the historic centre of the city with its central plaza, allowing me to walk freely to open markets, attend concerts, visit churches, eat at local restaurants and cafes, listen to street music, and witness political events. I rode the crowded buses with my host family and travelled by Uber to the university. These experiences gave me the opportunity to speak Spanish, but also insight into the day-to-day lives of the people. I learned that learning a language involves, well, speaking it!
I am grateful to my host family for welcoming me into their family and home. Sunday dinners with friends and family, an overnight trip to the mountains, attending musical events … singing together! It was this personal experience, I believe, that allowed me to feel comfortable and open to experience the culture.

“I will never forget going down the Amazon River in a canoe and hiking to and swimming under waterfalls in a rainforest. The colour green now has a different meaning for me.”
Along with my own personal experiences were the cultural excursions arranged by UBC’s Go Global program and the Universidad de Las Américas (UDLA). Our class attended lectures on the historical politics of Ecuador, where we learned how the governing bodies work and gained insight into the country’s turbulent political situation. We were also able to tour the Presidential Palace where the government convenes.
We also toured the former home and now art gallery of the world-famous painter Guayasamin—an incredible artistic opportunity. We were also given the opportunity to learn how to make chocolate from cocoa beans, both on campus and while hiking in the Amazon. These experiences exceeded my expectations.
The highlights for me, though, were my trips outside of Quito, to Baños and the Amazon Rainforest. I will never forget going down the Amazon River in a canoe and hiking to and swimming under waterfalls in a rainforest. The colour green now has a different meaning for me. Attending the university also stands out. UDLA is a modern building filled with light, green spaces and opportunity.
My trip consisted of far more than learning a language. Now I think: did I really just do and see all those things?