We are pleased to announce the provisional program for this semester’s Hispanic Research Seminar, which will meet on Wednesday afternoons (3-4:30pm) every few weeks, in FHIS Department Lounge, 7th Floor, Buchanan Tower.
We look forward to seeing you then!
January 11: Raúl Alvarez-Moreno, “Notas a la ilustración de un duelo: el suicidio de Melibea en los grabados antiguos de Celestina”
February 1: Samuel Navarro, “Benefits of Engaging Beginner Language Learners in Online Native/Nonnative Dyads”
February 15: Michael Dabrowski (Athabasca University), TBA
March 8: Claudio García Turza, TBA (in collaboration with the early modern research cluster)
March 15: Alessandra Santos, “Afrofuturism in Brazil”
April 5: Rita De Grandis, TBA
All welcome
Papers will be circulated in advance.
Contact jon.beasley-murray@ubc.ca for more details or if you have any queries.