The FHIS Graduate Studies program is hosting a graduate student poetry contest called (Un)titled, which is dedicated to collecting and presenting a diverse array of the best contemporary poetry created by the FHIS graduate students. It aims to provide graduate students with a safe space to present their creative work. All graduate students are invited to submit their poetry!
- Number of poetry submissions: 1 per person
- Language: poetry should be written in either French or spanish
- Possible themes (only suggestions, not limitations): Conflict, Emptiness, Sense of Entitlement, Affectivity, Sense of Reality, Mental Health, Distance and Closeness, etc.
- Possible types of poems (only suggestions, not limitations): Acrostic, Calligram, Haiku/Tanka, Cinquain, Sestina, Limerick, Villanelle, Sonnet, Blank Verse, etc.
- Graphic Level (max 10 points)
- Form/Style (metric)
- Word Selection (imagery, spelling, punctuation, grammar)
- Phonic Level (max 10 points)
- Rhyme/Rhythm
- Effectiveness of Poetic Devices
- Significance Level (max 10 points)
- Comprehension/Coherence
- Meaning/Originality (illustration of the message, feelings, significance, and purpose of the images)
Each winner—one from French Studies, one from Hispanic Studies—will receive the following:
- $50 gift card to the UBC Bookstore
- Certificate
All participants will have their poems published in the:
- Departmental website and other platforms (e.g. social media)
- First edition of the FHIS Graduate Student Journal
Submission deadline:
- Email your poetry to Mirta Roncagalli (mirta94@student.ubc.ca) by Thursday, March 31 at 11:59 PM.
Announcement of winners:
- The winners will be announced at the in-person Graduate Student Gathering on Monday, April 11 from 10 AM-12 PM in Buchanan Tower, Room 726 (Seminar Room). RSVP to the event now.
If you have any questions, contact Mirta Roncagalli (mirta94@student.ubc.ca).