After obtaining her PhD from UBC, Dr. Magali Blanc accepted a new position as Lecturer of French. Here she explains what she hopes to bring to the department through her new role, and how her graduate education at UBC prepared her for this role.

“When I enter a classroom, I am not only teaching French, but I am also teaching the culture, the habits of the people, the way they may think, their origins, what makes them who they are. And language is one of my ways to share these aspects.”
What is your favourite aspect about your new role as lecturer?
As simple as it may sound: my team! I am fortunate to work with a team of professors this term that are collaborating tremendously on every aspect of the course sections I am coordinating. It’s a great pleasure to coordinate the 300-level course sections when you have professors working hand-in-hand and contributing to achieve results, with the students’ best interests at heart.
Above all, what fascinates me the most is to see how students adapt to their professor’s teaching style and learn from it! So for me it is very important to give instructors space to do what they do best: teaching!
What are your goals?
I value and place the cultivation of personal growth at the center of my being. That means that when I enter a classroom, I am not only teaching French, but I am also teaching the culture, the habits of the people, the way they may think, their origins, what makes them who they are. And language is one of my ways to share these aspects.
As we know, Covid-19 pushed us to think differently and look at our reality through new lenses. To me, I strive to bring forward more awareness among our community about what makes us whole rather than different. I am hoping to bring new perspectives on how to welcome and celebrate each person’s uniqueness.
What is your career background?
I studied English Literature and Civilization when I was living in France and obtained my Masters in 2012. After spending a year as an exchange student at the University of Victoria, I decided to pursue my passion for teaching, but switched disciplines. I began my journey into French Literature and Language Learning. Finally, I recently completed my PhD in French Literature in our own department! I have been teaching for more than 10 years now at different levels and institutions, among them being UBC Extended Learning and the Ministry of Education.
How have your graduate studies at UBC prepared you for this path?
“It is a pleasure to be working in the very same department that taught me everything I know. I consider myself a product of education at FHIS.”
UBC’s Department of French, Hispanic and Italian Studies (FHIS) puts the education of their graduate students at its centre, and I was able to benefit from various resources: scholarships, teaching assistantships and research assistantships. As we say in French, “J’ai plusieurs cordes à mon arc”, which in English means, “I have more strings to my bow” (which is the equivalent to the English saying of “having a few tricks up someone’s sleeve”). Because of these experiences, I developed a whole range of methods that I can select from depending on the situation.
I am grateful for all the training, support (professional, personal, mental, etc..) and education that I received during my years as a graduate student at FHIS. It is a long journey, but in the end—once we are “on the other side of the river”—everything makes sense! But you must experience it first in order to understand why your supervisors advise you that way. Over the years, I built confidence in myself, and I became very agile at adapting quickly and assessing our students’ needs. As a newly appointed Lecturer, I know well that I am fully equipped thanks to the numerous opportunities I’ve been given.
It is a pleasure to be working in the very same department that taught me everything I know. I consider myself a product of education at FHIS. I am a mix of scholarly training and personal experiences that now allow me to perform as best as I can. To me, teaching is the most beautiful gift you can offer someone. UBC and the FHIS Department opened their doors to me and thanks to that, I was able to find my purpose. Now I get to do what brings me joy every day!