Studies in Portuguese and Brazilian Literature

Cross-listed with PORT392

In Studies in Portuguese and Brazilian Literature you will be specifically exposed to selected fiction works from Portugal and Brazil. These include movies, documentaries, short stories, articles and novels. This course will give you a view mostly into contemporary literature, with a focus on women writers, also offering a view into Black and Indigenous cultures of the Lusophone space. You will read short literary texts and watch films throughout the term and discuss changes in Brazil and in Portugal, examining these cultures within the world context.

Language of instruction: English

Prerequisites: No prerequisites

Active Participation, attendance, homework, and preparation 15%
Participation in online discussions (Canvas discussion forum) 15%
Leading discussion in teams 15%
Film or fiction text analysis (at home) 15%
Reflection assignment 20%
Written end-of-term assessment 20%
Total = 100%

All readings and movies will be provided via the Library Online Course Reserves service.