Course Description



Arts narratifs autochtones au Québec Depuis le début des années 2000, les arts narratifs autochtones au Québec connaissent un essor important. Dans leurs textes littéraires et œuvres cinématographiques, les créatrices et créateurs issus des Premiers Peuples mettent en avant des demandes de justice, de guérison et de récupération des savoirs autochtones. Si notre époque actuelle […]



Le siècle des Lumières en France Ce qu’on appelle aujourd’hui le « siècle des Lumières » fait l’objet d’interprétations multiples et même contradictoires. Si la métaphore de la lumière évoque le passage d’un âge obscur à une époque éclairée par le pouvoir de la raison et la libre circulation des idées, la défense de ces […]



Think Like a Forest: A Dialogue Between Premodern Worldviews, Environmental Humanities, and Indigenous Knowledges How do we think? Are we aware of the kind of thinking we entertain? What kind of world do our individual and collective, conscious or unconscious thought-processes generate? Do we even have a choice in the orientation of our thinking patterns, […]


Romance Linguistics This course examines linguistics with an emphasis on the contemporary varieties of the Romance language family. Five main domains of linguistics will be covered: phonetics and phonology, morphology, syntax and sociolinguistics. This will provide a broad understanding of the major similarities and differences between the Romance languages. Although the focus will be on […]


Italian Food Cultures Cross-listed with ITAL380 Italy is world-renowned for its food cultures and Italians put great care into food preparation, consumption, and appreciation. It’s no wonder that Italian food-related themes permeate the country’s cultural life and beyond. This course examines cultural representations of Italian or Italian-derived foods and the role that they play in […]


The Strongman, the Latin Lover, and other Italian Masculinities Cross-listed with ITAL409 This course offers an overview of diverse Italian masculinities as they are represented in Italian literature and culture. What does it mean to be a man in Italy? How do diverse concepts of Italian manhood come into being? How are they constructed and […]


Italian Mafia Movies Cross-listed with RMST202 The association of the mafia with Italy is one of a handful of prevailing cultural metaphors about the country that unfailingly provoke a broad spectrum of impassioned responses from both Italians and non-Italians. This course argues that cinema has fundamentally shaped our perceptions and emotions about the mafia. We […]


Italian Fashion Cultures Cross-listed with ITAL110 In 2022, Italy’s newly-elected, right-wing prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, re-named a previous trade ministry as the “Ministry for Business and Made in Italy,” thereby invoking a key marker of Italian commercial, group, and cultural identity. Since the end of the WWII, the garment and accessories sector has been traditionally […]


La représentation de Lyon dans les médias This course is an experiential learning and immersive summer intensive 3 weeks course that takes students outside the classroom to engage in the course material in a real world setting, through visits of Lyon and the complex connections between art and the real world. We will work towards […]


Race, Ethnicity and Language This course is based on the fundamental idea that discourse practices are an important indicator of wider social and cultural structures. Language has a key role to play in the racial and ethnic boundary-making processes, as it is a vehicle for the ideologies that get attached to racialized and ethnicized subjects. […]