Course Description


Cross-listed with RMST520 Research Intensive Seminar in Romance Studies Full course description coming soon! This course is cross-listed with RMST520, a graduate course taught in English. Students with the necessary language proficiency can also fulfill the RMST495 (in English) requirement by taking SPAN495 (in Spanish) or FREN495 (in French). Elective course requirements can also be […]


La fabrique du roman français contemporain Comment se forger une idée critique du roman français contemporain (post-1945) dans un milieu culturel, politique, et historique complexe ? Qu’est-ce que le roman a conservé de sa riche tradition ? Qu’a-t-il inventé en près d’un siècle ? Bref, dans un monde de l’éphémère et de l’image-reine qu’est-ce la littérature française essaie […]


Cross-listed with SPAN505B Guess Who’s Back? Nation and Identity Building in Spanish Early Modern, Modern and Postmodern Drama X First, Buy X, National Flag Day, patriots’ summits… Not long ago, the End of History and Globalization fostered the expectation of a post-national world, governed by supranational institutions. However, the 21st century has witnessed a resurgence […]


Penser la diversité au siècle des Lumières La notion de diversité occupe une place centrale dans la pensée des Lumières. En parallèle à l’expansion géographique et territoriale, qui expose de plus en plus les Européens à la variété des cultures et des coutumes observées partout sur le globe, la diversité de la nature se révèle […]


Romance Linguistics This course examines linguistics with an emphasis on the contemporary varieties of the Romance language family. Five main domains of linguistics will be covered: phonetics and phonology, morphology, syntax and sociolinguistics. This will provide a broad understanding of the major similarities and differences between the Romance languages. Although the focus will be on […]


French Digital Culture Contemporary issues and debates on how media and digital technologies have impacted French culture and society. Examines how text, language, and writing are used in digital media. Par le biais de lectures et d’études de cas, l’objectif de ce cours est d’apprendre à étudier les effets de la transition numérique sur les […]


Afterlife of the Text: Rewritings and Adaptations How stories travel across media and across national and linguistic boundaries in the Romance-speaking world. Dialogue between different versions and inter-media translations. Questions of authorship and reception. Prerequisites: No prerequisites Language of instruction: English


The Caribbean: Frontiers of the Romance World In this course, we delve into the rich literary and cultural landscape of Hispaniola (Dominican Republic and Haiti), Martinique, and Guadeloupe, three central islands in the Romance-language Caribbean. Through a comparative lens, we will explore the intersections of colonial legacies, race, gender, and the socioeconomic impact of tourism […]



Indigenous Stories of Hydro Power in Quebec and BC This course meets the Place and Power requirement.  This course explores how Indigenous writers, filmmakers and artists in Quebec and BC engage with the impact of hydro development on their lands. Through the example of a local case and a cross-country one, we will examine how hydro, often perceived as a form of […]



Gender and Sexuality in the Early Modern Stage Cross-listed with SPAN495 Expect to read some of the most outstanding theatrical plays of the early modern period from a comparative perspective, bringing together texts from various literary traditions. In this course students will explore both the common themes and diverging practices of the Spanish, French, Italian, […]