FHIS Instagram Contest 2023: Recreate Paintings from the Romance World

Image credits: Recreation of Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio’s Boy With a Basket of Fruit (1593) by Francesco De Grazia.

Use your creativity to recreate or modernize famous paintings from the Francophone, Hispanic, Italian, or Lusophone world for a chance to win a gift card to the UBC Bookstore! A total of $300’s worth of prizes will be distributed among the winners.

You can recreate these famous paintings through any creative medium—whether that’s through a re-enactment, artwork, photography, and more. View more examples.

Your submission will be featured on the FHIS Instagram account!

Submission deadline: April 2, 2023 (Sunday) at 11:59 pm.

Each contest entry will be uploaded onto the Instagram account of the Department of French, Hispanic and Italian Studies (@UBC_FHIS) during the voting period of April 3-6.

Winners will be determined by the number of 'likes' they receive, so make sure you share your contest entries with friends and family to increase your chances of winning!

  • Submission deadline: April 2 (at 11:59 pm - PST)
  • Voting period: April 3-6 (on Instagram)
  • Winners announced: April 7

For your contest submission to be considered valid, contestants must:

  1. Follow the FHIS Instagram Account (@UBC_FHIS)
  2. Complete the online form below, which asks you to submit the:
    • Image file of the recreated painting
    • Image file of the original painting—along with its title, artist, country of origin, and year of creation

Submission deadline:

  • April 2, 2023 (Sunday) at 11:59 pm (PST)

Additional notes:

  • Multiple contest entries: You are allowed to submit multiple contest entries. Please complete a new submission form for each one.
  • Multiple contest participants: You are allowed to collaborate with other participants per contest entry. Please indicate their names in the submission form.
  • Painting locale: The famous paintings you are recreating must come from the Francophone, Hispanic, Italian, or Lusophone world. (For example, we will not accept recreated paintings from the Dutch world.)


  • If there are multiple participants for this contest submission, please enter the information of ALL participants. Click the "plus sign" (+) on the right to add more rows.
    First nameLast nameIG handle 
  • Only one email address needed per contest submission.
  • If there are multiple participants, please consider their preferences before completing this.
  • If there are multiple participants, please consider their preferences before completing this.

  • If you wish to submit multiple contest entries, please submit a new form for each one.
    Max. file size: 8 MB.
  • Max. file size: 8 MB.
  • The URL where you got the painting image from.
  • E.g. Context, cultural significance, history, etc.

Questions? Contact us.

Organized by the FHIS Cultural Club.