First-Year Portuguese II

PORT 102 is an interactive course that builds upon the basics you learned in PORT 101, following a culture-oriented, interactive approach to learning a foreign language. The material used in class incorporates cultural aspects of Brazil and Portugal, designed for the Portuguese 102 level of linguistic comprehension. The activities include role-play, group tasks, writing texts, reading and talking about simple articles on topics of interest, watching and talking about movies, short clips, and music videos. The principal objective of this course is to deepen students’ skills for communicating in Portuguese by providing extensive opportunities to use the language as a vehicle for information interchange and for developing cross-cultural awareness, as well as strengthening listening, reading, writing and grammatical skills.

Upon successful completion of the course, you will be able to sustain basic communication about everyday life situations, such as expressing personal interests and hobbies, talking about routines, clothing, sports, special dates, asking for information, ordering food, etc., and be able to apply new communicative skills such as talking about the future and narrating events in the past.

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Recommended prerequisite: PORT 101

Note: Credit will be granted for only one of PORT 102 or PORT 110

Midterm = 15%
Listening Activity = 10%
Composition = 10%
Oral Interview = 15%
Final Exam = 25%
MyLab Portuguese (online exercises) = 10%
Active Participation, Attendance, Oral Proficiency, Preparation = 15%
Total = 100%

Pkg Ponto De Encontro: Portguese As A World Language 2/E W /
ISBN 9780133557138 or 9780205981120