“Tiempo del Sur tells the story of a family through the voices of four women: Manuela, Titi, Elena and Elisa. Each of them, from their point of view, reveals the events that over the years have marked their path in several countries -Colombia, the United States and Canada- and the particular effect that those events have had in their lives and in their personalities. The novel creates a vivid and harmonious mosaic of female voices that is able to show both the character and feelings of the four protagonists and how they interconnect in family relationships. Through the four protagonists the reader can explore different ways of facing experiences such as illegal immigration, homosexuality, death and love.”
– Sandra Barrriales Bouche, McGill University
María Adelaida Escobar-Trujillo. Tiempo del Sur. Universidad EAFIT: Medellín, 2018.
ISBN: 978-958-720-517-6