UBC’s French program will have 30 FSL bursaries available for the 2020-2021 academic year.
Benefits of bilingualism:
Eligibility criteria:
- Be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada, and at least 17 years old on the first day of class
- Have English as their first official language
- Have graduated from an English secondary school
- Provide a transcript certifying that they have taken French-language courses at high-school, college or university levels in Canada, for a minimum of two years
- Be enrolled in a first year and full-time college or undergraduate university program, and participate in at least 50% of their courses and related activities in French
Special attention will be paid to students who face financial challenges and those who are from under-represented groups.
Applications are to be submitted to one of the participating postsecondary institutions.
Please visit ACUFC.ca/fslbursaries, for more information.
About the ACUFC:
The Association des collèges et universités de la francophonie canadienne (ACUFC) brings together 21 colleges and universities of the Canadian Francophonie. Our vision: increase access to postsecondary education in French, thus creating an effective continuum of French-language education, from early childhood to postsecondary studies. Two other entities also operate under our aegis: the Consortium national de formation en santé (CNFS) and the Réseau national de formation en justice (RNFJ). These three organizations carry out compatible, essential and research-oriented missions. Together, we contribute to the vitality and sustainability of the Canadian Francophonie in education, health and justice, all across Canada. ACUFC.ca
For information:
Carole Breton, Director of Communications
Association des collèges et universités de la francophonie canadienne Cell: 613-222-6076
Email: cbreton@acufc.ca
This project has been made possible in part by the Government of Canada.