Summary: Research Activity 2018-2019

Summary of research activity by faculty and graduate students at UBC’s Department of French, Hispanic and Italian Studies.


Beasley-Murray, Jon. “Roabastosmáquina: Monstruosidad y multitud en el Boom.” Augusto Roa Bastos entre la literatura y la historia. Ed. Vidalia Sánchez. Asunción: Congreso de la nación, 2018. 69-78.

Beauchesne, Kim. “Sincronía planetaria: las conexiones discursivas entre las crónicas españolas sobre América y la relación de Sebastián Vizcaíno (1614) sobre Japón.” Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana 87 (July 2018): 113-36.

Beauchesne Kim, Koichi Hagimoto, and Ineke Phaf-Rheinberger (eds). Asia en América Latina. Special issue of the Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana 87 (2018). 392 p.

Boccassini, Daniela. Oikosophia: dall’intelligenza del cuore all’ecofilosofia / from the intelligence of the heart to ecophilosophy, edited by D.B. «Quaderni di Studi Indomediterranei» 10 (2017) Milano: Mimesis Edizioni, 2018.

Boccassini, Daniela. «Falconry as royal “delectatio”: understanding the art of taming and its philosophical foundations in 12th- and 13th-century Europe.» Raptor and Human: Falconry and Bird Symbolism Throughout the Millennia on a Global Scale, ed. K-H. Gersmann and O. Grimm. Kiel/Hambourg: Wachholtz, 2018. Vol 1/4. 367-87.

Boccassini, Daniela. «Earthly Paradise: Dante’s Initiatory Rite of Passage.» Temenos Academy Review 21 (2018) 1-32.

Casas Aguilar, Anna and Claire Ranstrom. “Feminine and Failed Suicides in Spanish Cinema.” Revista canadiense de estudios hispánicos, vol. 42. no. 2, 2018, 379-399.

Casas Aguilar, Anna. “El simbolismo del cabello en la obra de María Luisa Bombal.” Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, vol. 95. no. 4, 2018, 435-450.

Castonguay-Bélanger, Joël. “Le pied de Fanchette et les mains d’Emma Bovary”, dans Repenser le réalisme. Cahier ReMix, n° 07 (04/2018). Montréal : Figura, Centre de recherche sur le texte et l'imaginaire. En ligne sur le site de l’Observatoire de l’imaginaire contemporain.

Castonguay-Bélanger, Joël. “Plus légers que les vents: portraits littéraires des premiers aéronautes”, in Marine Ganofsky et Jean-Alexandre Perras (ed.), Le siècle de la légèreté: émergence d’un paradigme du XVIIIe siècle français, Oxford Studies in the Enlightenment, 2019, 179-193.

Frelick, Nancy. “Mirroring Discourses of Difference: Marguerite de Navarre’s Heptaméron and the Querelle des femmes.” Special issue: Querelles des femmes: French Women Writers of the 15th and 16th Centuries. Guest editors: Kevin Brownlee and Scott Francis. French Forum 42.3 (2017): 375-92.

Frelick, Nancy. “Woman as Other: Medusa and Basilisk in Early Modern French Literature.” Special issue: Altérité et différences à l'aube des temps modernes. Guest editors: Colette H. Winn and Cynthia Skenazi. French Forum 43.2 (2018): 285-300.

Lamontagne, André. « Louis Hamelin, Ces spectres agités », Dictionnaire des oeuvres littéraires du Québec, vol. IX: 1991-1995. Montréal: Fides, 2018. 116-118.

Lamontagne, André. « Louis Hamelin, Les étranges et édifiantes aventures d’un oniromane. Feuilleton. », Dictionnaire des oeuvres littéraires du Québec, vol. IX: 1991-1995. Montréal: Fides, 2018. 321.

Laroussi, Farid. “The Postcolonial Meridian: Migration and Identity in Today’s France”, Interventions. Journal of Postcolonial Studies, Vol. 21, 2019, Issue 3.

Moran, Patrick. « Genres médiévaux et genres médiévistes : l’exemple des termes chanson de geste et épopée », Romania 136 (2018), 38-60.

Moran, Patrick. « Mise en scène du choix et narrativité expérientielle dans les jeux vidéo et les livres dont vous êtes le héros », Sciences du jeu 18 (2018).

Moran, Patrick. « John Brunner, la stratégie du choc », introduction to John Brunner, La Tétralogie noire : Tous à Zanzibar, L’Orbite déchiquetée, Le Troupeau aveugle, Sur l’onde de choc, St-Laurent-d’Oingt: Mnémos, 2018, 5-13.

Moran, Patrick, Nathalie Koble and Noémie Chardonnens. « L’invention du Livre d’Artus : le manuscrit de Paris, BnF, fr. 337 », in Élodie Burle-Errecade and Valérie Gontero-Lauz (eds), Le Manuscrit unique. Une singularité plurielle, Paris: Sorbonne Université Presses, 115-135.

Zhang, Gaoheng. “The Chinaman and the cinesina: Gendering Chinese Migrants in Italian Novels” Journal of Romance Studies, 19/1 (2019), 69-97.

Álvarez-Moreno, Raúl. Review of María Adelaida Escobar Trujillo. Tiempo del Sur. Medellín: Editorial EAFIT, 2018. 194 pp. Revista Cronopio 83 (2019).

Beauchesne, Kim. Review of Carolina A. Navarrete González. Las afecciones de la carta: sujeto doliente y resistencia en la escritura epistolar de mujeres en Chile en los siglos XVIII y XIX. Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana 87 (July 2018): 351- 52.

Fernández Utrera, María Soledad. Review of Ivan A. Schulman. Painting Modernism. Albany: SUNY Press, 2014. Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies I.2 (2017): 321-322.

Godfrey, Sima. Review of Cheryl Krueger, ed. Approaches to Teaching Baudelaire’s Prose Poems. NY: Modern Language Association, 2017. French Forum 2018: 349-353.

Godfrey, Sima. Review of Colleen Hill, Paris Refashioned, 1957-1968, New Haven: Yale UP, 2017. H-France 2018.

Santos, Alessandra. Review of Rielle Navitski. Public Spectacles of Violence: Sensational Cinema and Journalism in Early Twentieth-Century Mexico and Brazil. Durham: Duke University Press, 2017. 344 pp. Hispanic Review. 87. 1. 2019. 123-127.

Álvarez-Moreno, Raúl. “De Pedro a Pedro: la poética económica del Victorial, las Andanzas y viajes, y la Legatio Babilónica.” Congreso Internacional Viajes, exploraciones y encuentros en la cultura hispánica (McGill University and Universitas Castellae). Valladolid, Spain. June 2018.

Beasley-Murray Jon. “Post-Televisual Politics in the Americas: Media and Multitude.” Media in the Americas: Carsey-Wolf Center Annual Conference. University of California, Santa Barbara, April 2018.

Beasley-Murray Jon. “Testimonio and Truth.” La sangre echa raíces: Institutional and Collective Memory of Violence in Latin America. York St John University, UK, June 2018.

Beasley-Murray Jon. “Literacy Machines: Writing and Politics in Latin America.” Green College, UBC, 29 January 2019.

Beasley-Murray Jon. “Friends, Enemies, and Others: Political Theology and the Art of the Encounter.” Theologies of the Political: From Augustine to Agamben, and Beyond. UBC Medieval Workshop. Green College, UBC, March 2019.

Beasley-Murray Jon. “Las pequeñas variaciones y divergencias que son del caso: Borges and the Clinamen.” LALISA, The Latin American, Latino/a, and Iberian Studies Association of the Pacific Northwest. Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA, April 2019.

Beauchesne, Kim. “La polémica embajada del samurái Hasekura (1613-1620): relecturas contemporáneas desde Asia y las Américas.” XXXVI International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Centre Convencions International Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, May 2018.

Beauchesne, Kim. “Nahuas y samurais: el Diario de Chimalpahin en el contexto de la globalización temprana,” 8th Latin America Research Group Workshop, University of Victoria, Victoria, March 2019.

Bocassini, Daniela. «Sguardi su Dante da Oriente» University of Bologna, Filologia e Medievistica Indo-Mediterranea. May 4th, 2018.

Casas Aguilar, Anna. “Catalunya y el Boom,” Annual Meeting of the Latin American Studies Association, Barcelona, Spain, May 23-26, 2018.

Casas Aguilar, Anna. “Autoría, autoridad, paternidad: apuntes para un acercamiento teórico-crítico, ” IV Congreso Internacional Los Textos del Cuerpo, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, April 16-20, 2018.

Casas Aguilar, Anna. “Maria Teresa Codina’s Catalunya-4 (1981),” Unpacking Art Series, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada, September 18, 2018.

Fernández Utrera, María Soledad. “Perfornance e ideología en la vanguardia española: Banquete en honor de la Primavera (1912).” IX Congreso Internacional organizado por La Asociación Hispánica de Humanidades (AHH) y la Universidad de Extremadura. Aportaciones y retos de la tradición cultural hispánica en una sociedad global. Cáceres. 19-22, July 2018.

Frelick, Nancy.  “Gender, Transference, and the Reception of Early Modern Women’s Writing,” “Quelques cinq cents ans après les premières publications de femmes... / Some Five Hundred Years after Writings by Women First Appeared in Print...”, Washington University in St. Louis, April 19, 2018.

Frelick, Nancy.  “Canine Reflections and the Hunt for Meaning in Scève’s Délie,” Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies (CSRS), Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Regina, May 28, 2018.

Frelick, Nancy.  “Anatomizing the Mirror in the French Blasons,” Conference of the Pacific Northwest Renaissance Society, Vancouver, October 20, 2018.

Frelick, Nancy.  “Mirror Motifs in the French Blasons,” Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, Albuquerque, November 1, 2018.

Frelick, Nancy.  “Early Modern Women’s Texts and Transference: Louise Labé and Pernette du Guillet,” Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, Albuquerque, November 2, 2018.

Frelick, Nancy. “Woman as Other: Medusa and Basilisk in Early Modern French Literature,” Linköping University, Sweden, December 12, 2018.

Frelick, Nancy. “Les Enjeux de la lecture biographique: L’Heptaméron de Marguerite de Navarre,” RSA 2019, Toronto, March 18, 2019.

Laroussi, Farid. “Latent Orientalism: The French Case”, Orientalism, Neo-Orientalism, Post-Orientalism. Fortieth Anniversary of E. Said’s Book, Shanghai University, (May 17-18, 2018).

Moran, Patrick. « De l’oral à l’imprimé au manuscrit : les pérégrinations du roi Arthur, XIIe-XVIe siècle », guest lecture at the seminar « Enjeux de la publication. Édition, exploitation, circulation des textes », Université Laval, 24th September 2018.

Moran, Patrick. « Le genre littéraire au Moyen Âge, entre philologie matérielle et approches cognitives », guest lecture at the seminar « Le Moyen Âge pour laboratoire : l’invention théorique de la littérature médiévale », ENS/Université Paris Diderot, 20th December 2018.

Onyeoziri, Gloria and Robert Miller. « La forêt et comme lieu de mémoire et d’oubli dans Aubes écarlates (2009) et La saison de l’ombre (2013) de Léonora Miano », APFUCC, Regina, May 2018.

Onyeoziri, Gloria. « Les Aubes écarlates de Léonora Miano : la critique de l’oubli », Cahiers du GRELCEF, 10 (2018) : 71-88.

Onyeoziri, Gloria. “Maryse Condé: Diaspora, Dysphoria and Dissent”, University of Edmonton, Edmonton, Alberta, March 27, 2019.

Orr- Álvarez, Brianne. “Teaching Sor Juana Today: Dissecting the Nun’s 17th Century Feminism through and for 21st Century Minds.” Simon Fraser University, in collaboration with the Consulate of Mexico. Vancouver. October 2018.

Orr- Álvarez, Brianne. “Mobile Wordplay: An App-based Approach to Teaching Vocabulary in the Language Classroom.” Annual SCOLA Meeting; Langley. April 2018.

Orr- Álvarez, Brianne. “Arte versus Arte: un análisis de la descomposición de los ideales artísticos burgueses en Memorias del subdesarrollo (1968) y Fresa y chocolate (1993) de Tomás Gutiérrez Alea.” LARG, University of Victoria, Victoria. March 2018.

Santos, Alessandra. “Performing Race in Adirley Queirós’s Branco Sai, Preto Fica.” Brazilian Studies Association International Congress. Pontifical Catholic University, Rio de Janeiro. July 25, 2018.

Santos, Alessandra. “A master of cultural criticism: a tribute to Randal Johnson.” Modern Language Association International Convention. Chicago. January 5, 2019. International

Santos, Alessandra. “The Secret of Immortality: Alejandro Jodorowsky’s The Holy Mountain.” University of California, Los Angeles. January 17, 2019.

Santos, Alessandra. “The path of least resistance: Öyvind Fahlström’s Manifesto for Concrete Poetry.” American Comparative Literature Association International Congress. Georgetown University. March 9, 2019.

Santos, Alessandra. “Utopia and Empire.” Guest Speaker, School for the Contemporary Arts, Simon Fraser University. March 28, 2019.

Zhang, Gaoheng. “Advertising the Italian Concession in Tianjin in Chinese Newspapers (1934-5)” Public lecture, Art Exhibition “The Impossible Black Tulip,” Complesso Le Murate, Florence, 2018.

Zhang, Gaoheng. “The Chinaman and the cinesina: Gendering Chinese Migrants in Italian Culture” Public lecture, University of Florence, 2018.

Zhang, Gaoheng. “Made in Italy or Made in China? Chinese-Italian Cultural Identities in the Age of Migration and Globalization”. Public lecture (with Valentina Pedone), Villa La Pietra, New York University in Florence, 2018.

Zhang, Gaoheng. “From Roots to Routes: Working through Italian Studies from China to Italy via North America”, Diversity in Italian Studies Symposium, Johh D. Calandra Italian American Institute.

Zhang, Gaoheng. “China Looked up to Italy: Early 20th-century Chinese Nationalist-Reformers’ Views of the Italian Nation-state through Mobilities”, Italian American Studies Association, 2018

Dagnino, Arianna. The Afrikaner, Guernica Editions, 2019.

Escobar Trujillo, María Adelaida. Tiempo del Sur. Medellín: Editorial EAFIT, 2018.

Moran, Patrick. « Trans Europa Express », Brins d’éternité, 51 (2018), p. 74-92.

Moran, Patrick. « Les rêves de Venn Colomax », in Stéphanie Nicot (ed.), Créatures. Anthologie des Imaginales 2018, St-Laurent d’Oingt: Mnémos, 2018, p. 79-96.

Graduate Students:

Booluck, Pooja. « Migration et création : Désirada de Maryse Condé et Le Baobab fou » de Ken Bugul. Conseil International d'Études Francophes, 2019. Université d'Ottawa, Ottawa.

Booluck, Pooja. « Emma Bratte, La Femme Folle du Livre d’Emma » Association des professeur(e)s de français des universités et collèges canadiens, 2018. University of Regina, Saskatchewan.

Houston, Kathryn. "Cultural, Physical, and Literary Mobility in Salvador Plascencia’s 'The People of Paper'". Latin American Research Group Workshop, The University of Victoria, March, 2019.

Moscoso Garay, Marcos. "Modelos de mujer en el imaginario de los mitos de los Huitotos" Latin American Studies Association (LASA). Boston, USA. 24-27, 2019

Moscoso Garay, Marcos. “Political fictions of women in Dioses y hombres de Huarochirí”. 8th Latin America Research Group Workshop organized by University of Victoria. Victoria, Canada. March 20, 2019

Moscoso Garay, Marcos. “Fictions about women and nature at the time of rubber extraction”. (1989-1912). Eighth Biennial Graduate Students Conference organized by the French Hispanic Italian Studies. UBC University. Vancouver, April 2018

Ross, Nancy. "De viaje con Rosario Castellanos". Latin American Latino/a & Iberian Studies Association of the Pacific Northwest. Bellingham, Washington. April 11, 2019.

Salgado-Leos, Lorenia. “Una travesía irónica y el nacimiento de una vocación en Rito de iniciación (1997) de Rosario Castellanos.” 4th LALISA Conference. Western Washington University. Bellingham, WA. 2019.

Salgado-Leos, Lorenia. “De la farsa a la realidad: La (des)personificación axiomática del discurso femenino en El eterno femenino (1975) de Rosario Castellanos.” 8th Latin America Research Group. University of Victoria. Victoria, BC. 2019.

Tocco, Fabricio. "Una alegoría del narco-estado: la frontera mexicano-americana en Trabajos del reino (2003) de Yuri Herrera”, within a panel on “Narrativas del narcotráfico: una cartografía,” Roundtable, 55th Annual Congress, Canadian Association of Hispanists, Vancouver, Canada, June 2019.

Tocco, Fabricio. “Reescritura y reproducción: la pérdida emancipatoria en Roma (2018) de Alfonso Cuarón”, 4th LALISA Conference, Western Washington University, Bellingham, United States, April 2019.

Tocco, Fabricio. “Turning Multitude into People: The Reconstitution of the Brazilian State in Fonseca’s Agosto,” 8th Lat. Am. Research Group Workshop, University of Victoria, Canada, March 2019.

Tocco, Fabricio. “Cuerpos femeninos como excedentes productivos en la frontera mexicano-estadounidense,” within a panel on “Poéticas de los restos en el paisaje de las ruinas en América Latina y el Caribe, chaired by Rocío Ferreira (DePaul University), LASA XXXVI Conference, Barcelona, Spain, May 2018.

Houston, Kathryn. Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Master’s Scholarship – Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). 2019.

Moscoso Garay, Marcos. Graduate Scholarship from Faculty of Arts Graduate Award of University of British Columbia. 2018.

Nagtegaal, Jennifer. Best Graduate Student Essay – Canadian Association of Hispanists. 2019.